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Elite lawbreaking is out of control. This is the grotesque story of an existential threat to American society.
Michael Hobbes
A small but dedicated crew of hardliners has created bureaucratic barriers that are far harder to overcome than any hunk of concrete on the southern border.
Rachel Morris
What If The World Treated The U.S. Like a Rogue State
Under Trump, the United States is capsizing the climate, emboldening dictators and trashing diplomatic norms. In the corridors of power in Brussels, Paris and Berlin, the idea of sanctions sounds less outlandish by the day.
Samanth Subramanian
Behold, The Millennial Nuns
More young women are being called to the religious life than at any point in the past 50 years. Eve Fairbanks explains what millennial nuns are searching for.
Eve Fairbanks
F. Lee Bailey
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And the fight within the still-grieving community has nothing to do with gun control.
By Kathryn Joyce
The Exceptional Life of Paul Coates
A conversation with the longtime publisher and former Black Panther whose son Ta-Nehisi just so happens to be America's most influential writer.
By Wil S. Hylton
The Creeping Capitalist Takeover of Higher Education
Just a few years ago, universities had a chance to make a quality education affordable for everyone. Here's the little-known and absolutely infuriating history of what they did instead.
A report by Kevin Carey
“I looked around at our whole family, and the kids running around, and I thought, ‘I’m never going to have this,’ and I started to cry.”
Together Alone
The epidemic of gay loneliness.
By Michael Hobbes
The Secret Baby Catchers of Alabama
They set up shop in hotel rooms, sterile Airbnbs and secondhand RVs just over the state line, so that women can give birth on their own terms.
By Rebecca Grant
Clancy Martin's moving behind-the-scenes look at life inside a psych ward after another one of his suicide attempts.
By Clancy Martin
The Best Way To Save People From Suicide
A deep exploration of the Motto method, the one intervention that has dramatically reduced suicide deaths.
By Jason Cherkis
Is Tom Perez Up For the Fight?
The Democratic National Committee chair on whether Trump is a racist, why the DNC is open to donations from fossil fuel companies and why he thinks his party still has a shot at the Senate.
How the refugee crisis is changing the world economy.
By Malia Politzer and Emily Kassie
Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong
For decades, the medical community has ignored mountains of evidence to wage a cruel and futile war on fat people, poisoning public perception and ruining millions of lives.
It’s time for a new paradigm.
By Michael Hobbes
He believes the Democrats are on the verge of collapse, the media is a joke and the security state is turning us all into mini-imperialists. But he finally admits that there might be something to this Russia business.
“I did flash a camera below her skirt as she stood next to me. It was intended for shock value only.”
Out Here, No One Can Hear You Scream
Why some women in national parks and forests have a tougher time than women in the military.
By Kathryn Joyce
The Disaster Tourist
For just $2,500, you too could be responsible for a geopolitical calamity.
By Kent Russell
Millennials Are Screwed
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.
By Michael Hobbes
Four Quitters Walk Into a Bar...
To swap war stories from an administration they couldn’t serve for one more minute.
By Lydia Polgreen Photographs by Stephen Voss
And So Jedidiah Brown Gave All of Himself to the City He Loved
A new generation of black leaders confronts the anguish of activism.
By Ben Austen
“Doctors would be offered paid speaking fees based on the number of Risperdal prescriptions they wrote.“
America’s Most Admired Lawbreaker
Over the course of 20 years, Johnson & Johnson created a powerful drug, promoted it illegally to children and the elderly, covered up the side effects and made billions of dollars. This is the inside story.
By Steven Brill
For families divided by the border, there is one place where they are allowed to come together—almost.
Documentary By Laura Gabbert Text By Daniel Hernandez
When white people want to do something experimental in education, it’s called charter schools or experiential learning. When black people do it, it’s called identity politics.
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By Jason Fagone
This is how the next World War starts
With one miscalculation, by one startled pilot, at 400 miles an hour. And now that Russia is determined to destabilize the West, this scenario is keeping the military establishment up at night.
By David Wood
The Blow-It-All-Up Billionaires
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By Vicky Ward
The Untold Pre-History of the Clarence Thomas Hearings
“Sexual harassment” wasn’t even a term until 1975.
Revenge of the Lunch Lady
How an unassuming bureaucrat outsmarted Jamie Oliver and pulled off an honest-to-god miracle in one of America’s unhealthiest cities.
By Jane Black
Hooked for Life
Inside the NFL's relentless, existential, Big Tobacco-style pursuit of your children.
By George Dohrmann
Is Ivanka For Real?
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By Hannah Seligson
Sandra Bland Died One Year Ago
And since then, at least 810 people have lost their lives in jail.
By Dana Liebelson & Ryan J. Reilly
These three campaign gurus for Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have had some time to reflect on this nightmare of a campaign. And do they ever have stories to tell.
By Sam Stein
Meet the Ungers
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Trump at War
How the military is preparing for the possibility of a wild card in the Situation Room.
By Andy Kroll
Drugs You Don’t Need for Disorders You Don’t Have
Inside the pharmaceutical industry’s campaign to put us all to sleep.
By Jonathan Cohn
We’re still trying to eliminate sweatshops and child labor by buying right. But that’s not how the world works in 2015.
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Scientists believe they’ve discovered a simple formula for happy relationships. Reader, I tried it.
By Eve Fairbanks
Cruel and All-Too-Usual
A terrifying glimpse into life in prison—as a kid.
And then they upload the photos to social media. A journey to an island caught between the ancient world and 2015.
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Thousands of rape victims around the world undergo grisly and unsafe abortions because of U.S. policy. Obama could change this with a single executive action. Why hasn’t he?
Scenes from a Marriage
The worst relationship between a U.S. President and an Israeli Prime Minister ever ... as autopsied by the people closest to them.
The first female chief of the IMF on the Greek meltdown, a historic refugee crisis and one thing Hillary Clinton has in common with an “old crocodile.”
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Yousef Al-Otaiba is the most charming man in Washington: He’s slick, he’s savvy and he throws one hell of a party. And if he has his way, our Middle East policy is going to get a lot more aggressive.
By Ryan Grim and Akbar Shahid Ahmed
Mothers of Isis
Their children abandoned them to join the worst terror organization on earth. Now all they have is each other.
By Julia Ioffe
Stop the Madness
There’s a miraculous new treatment for schizophrenia that could transform the way we treat mental illness. And then there are the terrible reasons why most medical professionals have never heard of it.
By Jonathan Cohn
Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia
Home to one of the most brazen, deadly corporate gambits in U.S. history.
By Mariah Blake
The Lost Girls
One famous band. One huge secret. Many lives destroyed.
By Jason Cherkis
Let’s Go Full Crocodile, Ladies
A documentary that disappeared more than 40 years ago—available to everyone for the first time here—is a gift to modern-day feminists. It’s belligerent, it’s hilarious, and it reveals exactly what the Clinton campaign is missing.
By Rebecca Traister
What the future of low-wage work really looks like.